CBD In the Beginning
The first living creatures to develop an Endocanebanoid system (ECS) were sea creatures called a Tunicate or a "Sea Squirt".
The first confirmed endocannabinoid system became part of evolution when it appeared in the "Sea Squirt" or Tunicate over 600 million years ago. The sea-squirt (see photos) had an ECS system accompanied by CB1 and CB2 receptors. The most basic of early plant life that developed in the sea. Over time all living creatures developed the same ECS system, along with CB1 and CB2 receptors.
Moving Forward to the time of the dinosaurs (which first appeared 247-240 million years ago), all of the dinosaurs alive had an ECS system with CB1 and CB2 receptors.
Cannabinoids are created by the ECS system in all living creatures and it helps to heal us and keep bodies functioning correctly.
A Tunicate or "Sea Squirt"
Dinosaurs all had ECS systems with CB1 and CB2 receptors

All living creatures (except insects) have an ECS which always includes CB1 and CB2 receptors. All living creatures including humans, have the same exact ECS system.
The ECS and CB1 and CB2 receptors can accept a direct injection of pure CBD and it then becomes a powerful restorative medication that heals and repairs damaged tissue, while offering powerful fast acting pain relief.
CBD & the Endocanebanoid system (ECS)